to preschool or not to preschool?

to preschool or not to preschool?

language development Cooperative play in a preschool setting enhances your child’s communication skills and enables them to learn from their peers.  Interacting with and listening to adults and peers also enables children to refine their speech sounds.  Your child...
the important role of play

the important role of play

In what seems to be a race to push early academics, young children can miss out on what we know to be a critical source of learning: free play. Research shows that preschool-age children learn best through play. Rather than cutting play short, Kids 360° teachers...

meet our experts

The Kids 360° preschool experience is designed and facilitated by an amazing team of experts with years of experience in curriculum development and optimizing learning for kids. Our Teaching Inside Out approach starts with these dedicated educators who care about kids...