countdown to school: top 5 tips for the 2 weeks before the first day!

by | Jul 11, 2024 | Parenting | 0 comments

The 2024-2025 school year is just around the corner, and it’s time to prepare your little one for an exciting new adventure at Kids 360° Early Learning Academy! Here are the top 5 most important things to do two weeks before school starts:

1. school supplies

Ensure your child has everything they need for a successful start

  • Check the school’s supply list
  • Shop together for school supplies, including backpacks, notebooks, pencils, and other essentials.
  • Get any uniforms or necessary new clothing. Or even just a new outfit they can pick for the first day of school to help build confidence and excitement. 

2. get back on a schedule for bedtime

Help your child adjust to the school routine by gradually shifting bedtime earlier:

  • Start adjusting bedtime by 15 minutes earlier each night until you reach the desired school night bedtime.
  • Ensure your child gets enough sleep to wake up refreshed and ready for the day ahead.

3. practice your morning routine

Establish a smooth morning routine to reduce stress on school mornings:

  • Practice waking up, getting dressed, and having breakfast at the same time as school days.
  • Encourage independence in tasks like brushing teeth and packing their backpack.
  • Check out this post about successful morning routines!

4. do a practice school run (drop off at school or bus stop)

Familiarize your child with the route and logistics of getting to school:

  • Take a trial run to Kids 360° Early Learning Academy.
  • If your child takes the bus or you drive them to school, do a practice run to see how long it takes.
  • Talk about what to expect during drop-off and pick-up times.

5. discuss any safety precautions with your little one

Ensure your child understands important safety rules for school:

  • Discuss traffic safety for walking, biking, crossing the street, and getting on the bus.
  • Talk about the rules of the bus if they’re taking a bus. You may not know the specific expectations until the first day, and that’s ok! Review them with your little one after.
  • Remind them about stranger danger and who they can trust at school.
  • Review how to ask for help from teachers or staff if needed.

Preparing for the school year at Kids 360° Early Learning Academy can be both exciting and reassuring with these steps. By taking these proactive measures, you can help your child feel confident and ready to embark on a new chapter of learning and growth.

Here’s to a fantastic school year ahead!

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